In this new ITS Podcast we have a really interesting three way interview with scientists from Karlsruhe Technical University and Daimler on their amazing autonomous driving acomplishment, a new milestone, through Bertha Benz Memorial route in the south of Germany.
As a preparation for that interview we have a Transportation in History minisection about that historical route Carl Benz’s wife drove, making the historical first long distance car drive 125 years ago.
As usual, we also have a news minisection, this time about the autonomous electric four seats pods they are using in London’s Heathrow airport, and their plans on using them on an actual british city, Milton Keynes.
Download Mp3 (30.4 MB – 42′:12”)
Downloads: 992
For those willing to jump straight to the interview, it starts at 6′:10″
Property of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Interview Related Links:
News Minisection
Transportation in History
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