Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
ITS Podcast Episode 9: Vislab's PROUD2013

The main content of this new episode is a fresh interview to Professor Alberto Broggi, from University of Parma, in Italy, about the latest fantastic challenge VisLab has delivered to the amazement of the whole ITS research community: PROUD2013.

Professor Broggi, from VisLab, has collaborated with the ITS Podcast a couple of times in the past, including its pilot episode, where we talked about the Intercontinental Autonomous Driving Challenge they accomplished on the Summer of 2010, when they had a 100 days long autonomous driving experiment from Parma to the International Expo in Shanghai.

This time he has kindly hosted us today at his research centre in Parma to talk about PROUD2013, standing for Public ROad Urban Driverless-Car Test. Their autonomous car Braive has drived umanned from the University Campus to the city town hall through a number of real world difficulties, merging into real traffic, with real pedestrians, etc.

We also have prepared a news minisection and a transportation in history section, this time around bicycles.


Download Mp3 (23.8 MB – 32′:03”)
Downloads: 726

For those willing to jump straight to the interview, it starts at 5′:13″

News Mini-Section


Transportation in History

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