For this new podcast we have Dr. Cristina Olaverri Monreal as our guest to talk about Human Factors, this time from an Industry point of view. She is an active collaborator on a number of projects with big car makers like BMW or Honda.
We chatted about such interesting topics like Serious Games to modify drivers’ behavior or the new touch pads available more and more frequently at many new cars.
We also have a News Minisection announcing the soon to happen on-line chat organized by the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee. Finally we have also a feminine transportation in history content, this time about the historical role of many women engineers.
Download Mp3 (24.8 MB – 34′:27”)
Downloads: 766
For those willing to jump straight to the interview, it starts at 5′:01″
News Minisection:
The on-line chat can be found on USTREAM next February 10 at 3 p.m. EST.
You can also see information about this chat on the WIE Facebook Page
Transportation in History:
Tabitha Babbit
Other interesting links regarding women engineers:
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