In this third episode we have the great pleasure of interviewing Tsuneo Takahashi. He has just received one of the IEEE’s most prestigious awards: the IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies. This interview was recorded by Emily Sopensky and the ITSS president Christoph Stiller at the IEEE honors ceremony in San Diego California last June 29.
Mr. Takahashi has kindly gifted our show with some interesting reflections on his past career and his future research intentions.
Download Mp3 (19.3 MB – 20′:04”)
Downloads: 1016
For those willing to jump straight to the interview, it starts at 6′:36”.
Sources for the “Transportation in History” Mini-section:
Links for the “News” Mini-section:
IEEE_ITS_awards_call_2013 extension
16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2013), October 6-9, the Hague, the Netherlands.
Tsuneo-San is a wonderful man and a credit to the engineering and scientific community.
He’s a man of vision, determination, and encouragement of others. I hope I don’t embarrass his sensibilities, but he’s also a person that is full of life, kindness, and has respect for and from; his peers, co-workers, and friends. It was my distinct honor I had working for him for a very brief time, a time that I will always have fond memories.
Mr. Takahashi has a unique way of encouraging the best in others by recognizing their strengths and encouraging them to foster those strengths to make them stronger performers in the long term.
In any case, he has contributed so much to technological development on so many fronts, and is certainly a man worthy of recognition.