We have prepared a new episode for our very special community. We have a very interesting interview with Prof. Philippe Bonnifait, Professor in Robotics and Automation at the University of Technology of Compiègne and Head of the research group “Automation, Embedded Systems and Robotics, in France. We also have Dr. Marek Kurdej, who was PhD candidate at Bonnifait’s centre when we recorded this interview and is now Doctor and Researcher at quasardb. We talked about Driving Scene Understanding and a recent publication of this group in the Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.
Mehran Shirazi has prepared a Transportation in History Minisection about a remarkable engineer lady named Mary Walton who fought against air and acoustic pollution more than 130 years ago, in New York City.
We also have a News Minisection by Dr. Maryam Kaveshgar about some Autonomous Driving fascinating news coming from NISSAN, yet another car maker committed to put autonomous vehicles in the market.
Finally, the “Follower-get-a-follower” campaign stills on, to better disseminate this publication and extending our subscribers email list.
If you are interested, you may even win an i-Pad by convincing your friends and colleagues to join in! Please listen to the details in the middle cut, or visit https://itspodcast.com/?p=610. Thank you!
For those willing to jump straight to the interviews, they start at 6′:25″.
Download Mp3 (26.2 MB – 36′:20”)
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