Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
ITS Podcast Episode 22: First Distinguished Lectures Series Event in Japan, with Tsuguo Nobe and Shinpei Kato

Last November, the IEEE ITS Society started its Distinguished Lecture Series with an event organized by our Japanese Chapters, the Nagoya Chapter and the Tokyo Chapter. They organized a super attractive event, aiming in particular to our future colleagues, in the University of Tokyo. They could attend to a lecture by Mr. Tsuguo Nobe, from Intel, and professor Shinpei Kato, from Nagoya University, on Autonomous Driving.

For this special occasion we have interviewed both of them, so all our selected community can learned better how was it.

Mr. Tsuguo Nobe

Professor Shinpei Kato

Of course, we also have a News Minisection, by Dr. Maryam Kaveshgar. She will tell us about a recent striking event also related to autonomous driving. She is also announcing the election of the new IEEE ITS Society’s BoG members is now complete. You can check the new members here.

Do you know why some countries have their vehicles driving on the left, and others on the right? You will know if you hear our News Minisection by our volunteer Mehran Shirazi.

Finally, the “Follower-get-a-follower” campaign stills on, to better disseminate this publication and extending our subscribers email list.

If you are interested, you may even win an i-Pad by convincing your friends and colleagues to join in! Please listen to the details in the middle cut, or visit Thank you!

For those willing to jump straight to the interviews, they start at 6′:45″.

Download Mp3 (15.7 MB – 21′:50”)
Downloads: 463

News Minisection:

Mercedes F105

Mercedes F015

Audi A7

BMW i3


Transportation in History:

Countries driving on the Right and Left. (wikipedia commons)

Countries driving on the Right and Left. (wikipedia commons)
