Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
ITS Podcast Episode 57: Transportations planning, MOTIV, eVTOL and cybersecurity

Dear readers,

In the time of Corona, Podcast is one of the best ways to entertain yourself while you stay back at home.
This is Dr. Maryam Kaveshgar bringing you IEEE ITS podcast episode 57 in March 2020.
Today you will be listening to the latest news around intelligent transportation. Barish from Technical University of Berlin has put an effort to cover the latest happenings around our field.
Later on Haluk will take over and will tell us his review of a book that he has chosen for this episode – “Transportation Planning Handbook”, written by Michael Meyer.

Drive 2 the future survey

EU funded project on the acceptance of auomated vehicles links.

Dear Listeners, either you are a researcher in Intelligent transportation field or are just interested, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are recruiting volunteers and your help will be highly appreciated.

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This podcast is sponsored by IEEE intelligent transportation system society.

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