The relationship between Human Factors and ITS is becoming more and more important. For this episode we have edited a very long and interesting interview with professor Frank Drews, from the University of Utah. Frank Drews is Director of the Center of Human Factors in Patient Safety (VA) and Director of the Human Factors Program at the Psychology Department. Professor Drews is also President of the American Psychological Association’s Engineering Psychology Division.
We also have some news and a Transportation in History mini-section on the step from bicycles to motorbikes, that happened at the end of the 19th century. There are some nice pictures below with this regard. For example, you can find the newspaper report announcing the death of one of the first prototypes inventor, while riding that experimental steam motorcycle.
Download Mp3 (37.2 MB – 38′:44”)
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For those willing to jump straight to the interview, it starts at 6′:39″
Frank Drews
Michaux-Perreaux steam velocipede
Roper steam velocipede
Daimler Reitwagen
Sources and Links for the “News” Mini-section:
- 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2013), October 6-9, the Hague, the Netherlands.
Sources for the “Transportation in History” Mini-section:
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