Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
ITS Podcast Episode 34: Predicting Intentions with Cristobal Curio

We have prepared a great menu for our audience. We have a central interview with profesor Curio, from Reutlingen University in Germany to talk about autonomous vehicles, intention prediction, driver’s attention estimation and a lot more exciting hot research topics in our field. Don’t miss it, you will learn a thing or two. That interview was brilliantly conducted by our great volunteer Dr. Kaveshgar.

Prof. Curio

Prof. Curio

Here is a link to a project mentioned during his interview:

 We also have our usual contents: a Transportation in History minisection with a very interesting review of centuries 16th to 20th, by Mehran Shirazi, and a lovely review on the book titled “Cooperative Vehicular Communications in the Drive-thru Internet” by professor Eren.

If you want to jump to the interview it starts at 10’18”.

Download Mp3 (35.7 MB – 52′:07”)
Downloads: 419


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Transportation in History



Book Review:

Cooperative Vehicular Communications in the Drive-thru Internet
H Zhou, L Gui, Q Yu, X Shen – 2015 – Springer

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