Happy New Year to all of you!! Welcome back! Thanks for listening the ITS Podcast!
For this chapter we have interviewed professor Leopoldo Acosta, from the University of La Laguna in Spain, about their intelligent vehicle, VERDINO (national research project STIRPE, DPI2013-46897-C2-1-R). That is not the usual intelligent vehicle for roads. Instead, it is a platform developed to operate in unstructured zones, like pedestrian zones. So it has to deal with humans in a closer than usual way for intelligent vehicles. Don’t miss it, it is very interesting!
We also have our usual News Minisection by Maryam Kaveshgar with some very interesting news, and the Transportation in History by Mehran Shirazi. Have you ever wondered why is it red amber and green? You’ll hear the answer soon!
Download Mp3 (19.4 MB – 26′:59”)
Downloads: 396
News Minisection
Transportation in History
ITS Podcast Promotion
Here is a new promotion we are doing: We have a present for your, our selected and special listener. Send a message to [email protected] with the following text in its subject: “I am an ITSPodcast listener, I want my Holidays gift!”. We still have a few packages ready to be sent! Please include in that email body your surface address and T-shirt size.
Announcement: Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
Finally, we are very happy to announce that the ITS Society is just about launching the first issue of the Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. If you want to receive this historical first issue you need to hurry up! Please, consider extending your IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society membership to include the new journal in your member benefits. If you’re not ITSS member yet, well this is the perfect time for you to join us!
Subscribe to the Youtube Channel of the IEEE ITS Podcast
We are launching our new YouTube Channel here: https://goo.gl/ZSGolV
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