Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
ITS Podcast Episode 29: Special Issue on IEEE ITSC 2015

This is a special episode of the ITS Podcast about the just finished 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, that was held in the Canary Islands from Sep. 15 to 18, 2015 ( We have put together some nice contents for our unique audience.

We have included nothing less than one of the keynotes delivered at the event. In particular, we have Professor Hermann Winner’s, from Darmstadt technical University in Germany. His keynote was really interesting. If you want to see it, please, check out the Youtube channel of the conference in this podcast post at

Prof. Hermann Winner, from Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Prof. Hermann Winner, from Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

The title of his talk was “How to Address the Approval Trap for Autonomous Vehicles – A survey of the challenge on safety validation and releasing the autonomous vehicle”

We also have some comments from Prof. Matthew Barth, president of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, and Miguel Angel Sotelo, Program Chair of the event.

For those willing to jump straight to the Prof. Winner’s keynote, it starts at 8′:06″.

Download Mp3 (36.4 MB – 50′:32”)
Downloads: 479

ITSC2015 Youtube Channel, with all the opening sessions:

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