Dear IEEE ITS Society member:

Under the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Bylaws, 15 members are elected to serve on our Board of Governors to manage the Society’s resources, represent the Society within IEEE and arrange for technical publications, conferences and other benefits to the members. The Governors serve for three years, where five Governor positions are available each year.

To help manage the activities of the Society, ITSS Governors shall actively participate in the Board of Governors (BoG) meetings, which are generally scheduled either as a teleconference or in conjunction with our flagship conferences, the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium and the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference. You can see our current Governors here:

Please nominate appropriate candidates for the ITSS BoG:

Nominations (including self-nominations) shall be sent via email to [email protected] with subject ‘ITSS BoG Nomination’. Each nomination must include at least the full name and the email address of the nominee. Format must be in plain text. BoG candidates must be members of the IEEE ITS Society.


– Receive Nominations BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 (strict deadline), together with a brief CV and a short statement on their goals for the ITS Society.

For the case where the candidate was already part of the Board of Governors, please also describe how he/she served the Board in the past.

– A list of candidates will be established by the ITSS Nominations & Appointments Committee

– IEEE will then contact all IEEE ITSS members (postal mail or email)

  and ask for a ballot vote (generally in the October timeframe)

– Newly elected Governors for this cycle will start their term on Jan. 1, 2017 and will conclude their service on Dec. 31, 2019.

Thanks for your attention to this important matter,

Matthew Barth

Past President IEEE ITS Society

Chair, Nominations and Appointments