We don’t close for Vacations! Here we are again! Here you have a brand new episode where you can hear a fascinating interview with Jeff Allen, Executive Director of Drive Oregon. Oregon is proving an incredible living lab on many new smart mobility options like car sharing, and especially electric mobility.
So, if you’re a fan of electric transportation, you just can’t miss this one!
We also have a news minisection with some good stuff on a new vehicle making it to the market, propelled by compressed air, plus two conference announcements: the IEEE Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES) and the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Connected Vehicles (ICCVE).
But this is not all of it. Please, don’t miss the Transportation in History minisection, this time about, flying cars! Yes, flying cars.
Download Mp3 (29.6 MB – 41′:03”)
Downloads: 556
For those willing to jump straight to the Jeff Allen’s interview, it starts at 5′:35″.
News Minisection
ICVES: http://www.uurmi.com/icves2014/index.html
ICCVE: www.iccve.org/2014
Transportation in History
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