Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
Intelligent Transportation Systems Podcast
ITS Podcast Episode 1: VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge

In this first episode we have had the great pleasure of interviewing professor Alberto Broggi from University of Parma in Italy. He is CEO and President of VisLab, an Internationally renowned research center which has been present in many media recently, especially after accomplishing an astonishing challenge: during the 2010 Summer, for 100 days they drove autonomously from Parma to the International Expo in Shanghai, China. We talked to him on the lessons learnt on that challenge,  their current works and some future forecasts on autonomous driving. It’s really interesting stuff, don’t miss it!


Download Mp3 (25.2 MB – 26′:12”)
Downloads: 923

For those willing to jump straight to the interview, it starts at 6′:06”.




Sources for the “Transportation in History” section:

Siemens, and IEEE Global History Network.

Links for the “News” Section:



2013 International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT2013), May 29-31, Sousse, Tunisia.

2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2013), June 23-26, Gold Coast, Australia.

16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2013), October 6-9, the Hague, the Netherlands.